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A Parent's Guide to Speech, Hearing, and Language Development
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, so there is no better time to brush up on your developmental milestone knowledge! Remember- early...
Tips and Tricks for Modifying Your Child's Behavior
Is that normal? Do other children act like this? What should I do when he acts like this?! Parents, how often have these thoughts run...
Are We There Yet?!
Parents, beach time is here- and it’s no secret that you are longing for the care-free, laid-back atmosphere of your beach vacation! We...
Biting: Is It Bad Behavior or Normal Development?
I'm sure many of you have experienced it... Your cell phone rings, you look down at your phone to see it's your daycare calling. Your...
Impulse Control: Strategies and Tools for Improving On-Task Behavior
Teaching any child how to resist their impulses and stay on task is a difficult feat, but teaching a child with executive functioning...
Helping Your Picky Eater Through The Holidays!
As you celebrate with loved ones, keep in mind that holiday meals are not the time to make progress in trying new foods. It is a time to...
Social Stories… What are they and how do they help?
Social stories are short narratives aimed at describing the social rules and expected behaviors of various situations. They have been a...
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